Safety and Security at Canterbury

Canterbury School is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our students and faculty.
When necessary, our school may implement the following procedures to ensure the safety of our students, faculty, and campus:

A Lock Out/Secure is the lowest level of security restriction at Canterbury, and is implemented when a potential security threat is identified and our school day can go on as usual but with extra vigilance. Under a lock out/secure there is often little to no disruption to the school day. Outdoor activities will be brought inside and there will be no crossing over between the Covington and Smith Road campus. No one will be allowed in and no one out during this time. Oftentimes, the lockout will only be a few minutes long. If a Lock Out/Secure is initiated, Canterbury will communicate to parents/guardians using email and the Emergency Text Message System and will display the Lock Out/Secure poster on the entrance.

Parents, what we need you to do:

  • Make sure that you are signed up for text alerts.
  • Follow the specific instructions that we communicate to you.
  • Do not make your way to school as no one will be allowed in or out during Lock Out/Secure.
  • If Lock Out/Secure happens during drop-off or pick-up please follow the specific steps that we text you.
  • Please do not call the school as we will need to keep our lines of communication open.


A Lock Down is initiated when there is a potential threat inside the school building. All exterior and interior classrooms will be locked and Faculty are trained to follow the Run, Hide, Fight principles. As soon as it is safe to do so Canterbury will communicate with parents/guardians via text and/or email. 

Parents, what we need you to do:

  • To keep everyone safe and allow emergency personnel full access it is important to not go to the school, and stay in a location where you can receive further information.
  • Make sure you are signed up for text alerts
  • No one except emergency personnel will be allowed to enter or leave the building. 
  • Students will not be released until the lockdown has ended.
  • When given the all clear for parents to collect their child bring a drivers license or other form of ID.
  • Please do not call the school as we will need to keep our lines of communication open. 

Sign Up for Text Alerts