High School Sports Forms

Below is information students athletes will need to play sports at Canterbury School, along with forms that must be submitted prior to the first day of practice.

  • 2024-25 IHSAA Physical Form
    This will eventually need to be uploaded (all five pages) to Magnus, the new form system. Please get it completed and hold onto it until July and you receive information on where to upload.
  • Emergency Form, Concussion Awareness, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information, and more are to be completed in Magnus. See here for more information.

Fall practice opportunities for most teams will begin on the first date allowable by IHSAA by-laws. Athletes must plan to be present for 8 practices (one per day) prior to being eligible for a contest in that sport (Exception: Girls’ Golf requirement is 2 practices)   

Monday, August 5, will be the mandatory date to attend practices for all, without prior exception. However, please note earlier attendance is necessary for athletes to get the IHSAA minimum 8 practices to be eligible for any early contests the week of August 14. Please check specific sport schedule on EventLink, or consult directly with the head coach for game dates or special plans.        

Prior to classes starting on August 21, teams practice daily Monday-Friday (Saturdays will be announced by team coaches) according to the following time schedule:

First available practice times beginning July 31:
Volleyball - 4-6 p.m.
Boys Soccer - Mon- Fri 8:30 - 10:30 a.m., Tue/Wed/Thur: ADD: 5-6:30 p.m.
Girls Soccer - 8-10 a.m.
Boys Tennis - 4:30 - 6 p.m.
Cross Country - Fall TBA (optional summer runs available, please contact Coach Cook)
Girls Golf - 9 - 11 a.m. at Chestnut Hills

The IHSAA mandates a minimum 8 practices (one per day maximum counts toward the 10) prior to any contest participation—please be attentive to the start date for your team to be sure you allow for adequate practice opportunities!      

Questions or individual circumstances regarding participation on a team should be directed to the appropriate head coach listed. Do not take for granted that a coach knows your individual circumstances without your direct contact.

Necessary community service hours must be completed by the deadline set. It is the responsibility of each student to have the appropriate documentation.


Other Forms

  • Student Transfer Form
    • For students in Grades 10-12 who transfer to Canterbury and wish to play a sport.

Fall Coaches

Boys Soccer
Blake Sharpe
Girls Soccer
Allisun Bredemeyer
Boys Tennis
Byron Lamm
Drew Achenbach
Girls Golf
Ben Smith
Cross Country
Carter Cook