Seventh grade students from the community have an opportunity to participate in an intensive three week summer enrichment program: Young Scholars Academy at Canterbury High School. This free program will offer summer enrichment experiences to qualifying students of high academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. Once the summer program is completed, students remain in the Young Scholars Academy until graduation, attending enrichment education classes in the morning, the second Saturday, September through May. The goal of the YSA is to supplement students' classroom experience and bridge the achievement gap.
Who should apply for the Young Scholars Academy?
This opportunity is extended to all seventh grade students in the Fort Wayne, Indiana, area (Canterbury students may not apply).
Click to register for a Parent Information Meeting and/or Student Testing/Interview.
Click to download a Young Scholars Academy Application due in May.
To be eligible for the program a student must:
- Desire a college preparatory education.
- Show enthusiasm and motivation for maximizing his/her educational opportunities.
- Be willing to fully participate in every aspect of this rigorous program.
- Grades in the A and B range, a few C's in core academic subjects (math, science, social studies/history, English/language arts).
- Complete the testing and interview.
- Demonstrate financial need.
Application Timeline
October-May: Application materials available for current seventh graders, Parent Meetings and Student Testing/Interviews take place second Saturday of the month.
May 15: Applications and transcripts must be received by this date.
May 26: YSA notifies each applicant if she or he has been selected as a Young Scholar
June 12-June30: Young Scholars Summer Program

Cookye Rutledge
YSA Director
BA Pepperdine University
EDM Harvard University
The educational advisors work closely with students and their families through the year, providing academic guidance, assessing needs and opportunities, identifying resources and ensuring that Individual Learning Plans are being appropriately followed.
Advisors also offer assistance with career exploration and college planning through field trips, Skype interviews with academic experts, guest speakers, and contact with Canterbury High School college counselors and college admissions officers. College planning is a focal point of the YSA and begins on day one and continues until each young Scholar has been accepted into the college of his or her choice.
Young Scholars and their families communicate frequently with their educational advisors by phone, email and through visits at home.