Advisor Program

We developed an advisory program to ensure each student receives the individual attention necessary to successfully navigate the Middle School program and to promote the shared values of the Canterbury community.

A faculty advisor is assigned to each student. Advisors serve as a resource for students, parents and faculty. Their primary goal? To facilitate the total development of each student in his or her intellectual, physical, social and spiritual growth.

Students and advisors meet daily for study time or to review and discuss topics of interest. The advisor may offer guidance and insights helpful to the student and is available to discuss the student’s academic progress, behavior, social experience, and other areas as necessary.


I learned we all have different strengths; some of us are more athletic while others might be more intelligent. And when we worked together, the outcome was good.

.A Canterbury student about an Advisory activity


Students report to their advisory room prepared for quiet study, reading, or advisor discussion time. Advisory groups usually consist of about 10-12 students, and they plan competitions, carry-ins and other fun bonding experiences.

Advisors contact the parents of their advisees at the beginning of each semester. Parents are encouraged to contact the student’s advisor with questions and special concerns, as well.


An example of an Advisory activity