Character Education

Integritas in Omnibus - Integrity in All Things

This is our school motto. At Canterbury School, we recognize the elements of a student’s intellectual, moral and social growth are inextricably intertwined. That's why we strive to create an environment that supports such growth through respect for self and others, and a cooperative attitude toward learning and working within a community of high standards and expectations.

Within the academic curriculum are opportunities for intellectual growth. Learning is a process that extends well beyond the classroom, and the most enduring form of teaching is by example. As a community, we recognize daily opportunities for promoting, and modeling, ethical choices and appropriate behavior. Daily Chapel, community service efforts, and religion classes are just a few of the programs that promote character education.

Through these programs, we strive to create an atmosphere of trust, honesty and mutual respect among students, teachers and parents. These qualities will, in turn, promote academic growth and the development of moral strength and self-discipline – qualities of character that will enable students to become positive, lifelong contributors to society.