Rethinking Tradition

By Natalie A. Trout 
Marketing & Communications Specialist
October 5, 2020

Were it not for the pandemic, Grade 1 would have visited an apple orchard north of Fort Wayne and then made apple pies. It's a Canterbury tradition for each class to make one large pie as the closing activity of their insect/apple unit. This year, teachers had to rethink the unit, keeping social distancing in mind. They decided the students would each make their own small, individual pies.

"They absolutely loved it!" said Grade 1 teacher Julie Stinson. "They asked if we could make more pies."

The unit was a study of social insects (bees and ants), pollination, and they took a trip to the High School greenhouse. Students learned where their apple pie ingredients came from all over the world through literature in the library. Making the individual apple pies also taught them how to follow step-by-step instructions, as well as having patience.

To make their individual pies, students rolled out the dough, cut their apple slices into chunks with a plastic knife, stirred in sugar, cinnamon, and butter, and pinched their crusts. Stinson was please with how the pies turned out.

"We had so much fun," she said. "The first grade team will continue this tradition for many years to come. We will also continue to make individual pies and not return to the one pie per class as before."